3rd Molar Tooth Extraction
What is 3rd Molar Tooth?
The 3rd Molar Tooth is the third molars in each jaw,located right and left at the back, in other words, after two small molars (premolar) and two large molars (molar/grinder) from front to back. Usually an adult person has 3rd Molar teeth.The age of tooth eruption is between the ages of 16-20 is also called Wisdom Tooth. Nowadays,it is present in patients who have been buried due to reasons such as lack of space or who have never had a 3rd molar tooth.
Should the extraction of the third molar teeth be performed?
Approach to 3rd molar teeth nowadays,
-Their contribution to chewing function is less than predicted,
-Cheek biting/distortion effects of to other teeth as a result of lack of space
-Causing TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders,
should performed tooth extraction because of these reasons.
However, it does not cause any problems and if adequate care is provided,it can be followed and left in the mouth.
Is there any pain during 3rd molar tooth extraction?
The extraction of 3rd molar tooth is no different from other teeth. Due to the low accessibility of the tooth extraction area and the root anomalies of 3rd molar teeth due to the lack of space, the extraction time may be a little longer than the other teeth.As a result of this effect, patients may feel relatively painful (in fact a feeling of pressure).
Is pain and swelling normal after 3rd molar tooth extraction?
After the 3rd molar tooth extraction, the pains that can be stop with the help of a painkiller are considered normal. This condition is often confused with, inflammation as a result of unprotected extraction space(socket) and moving away from the clot in the extraction space to help heal after extraction, which we call alveolitis.In order not to encounter such complications, it would be best to consult your doctor in any suspected situation.
What should be pay attention after 3rd molar tooth extraction?
What to do after the 3rd molar tooth extraction is the same as what to do after the extraction of other teeth. Should not to gargle for 12 hours after tooth extraction, not to use aspirin and blood thinners,stay away from the hot things such as tea,hot shower or soup, not to do exercise are the main issues to be considered. Smoking affects blood circulation, it also indirectly affect wound healing negatively. Consuming liquid and soft foods and not eating with the side where the tooth is pulled is effective to protect the clot that will occur.Applying the tampon longer or shorter than the doctor’s order,brushing the area and the extraction space to keep it clean,tampering with the inside of the extraction space,checking with the tongue are other issues that should not be done.
What is an impacted tooth?
Impacted tooth means you have a tooth that cannot push totally through the gum into your mouth.All impacted teeth can stay inside the jawbone actually they are in the right place,they may not visible because of soft tissue on them. The tooth, that some of part are visible and the other part remain under the gums, are called half-buried teeth.
Why do teeth become impacted?
There are many factors that affect the become impacted. Sometimes one of these reasons, sometimes more than one, can be effective at the same time.Among the reasons wyh teeth become impacted, genetic factors,blocking the front of the tooth by change of location adjacent teeth,does not have enough space in the mouth due to narrow jaw, the infection (inflammation) that occurs under the teeth due to untreated decay of the baby teeth repose on it, which are located on the time of eruption, can be considered to affect the eruption.
Which teeth become impacted more?
Which teeth will become impacted vary from person to person, but often the lower 3rd molar tooth, the upper 3rd molar tooth, and 3rd incisors (canine teeth) are the most commonly become impacted teeth. There are cases where other teeth become impacted.
How to treat impacted teeth?
Impacted teeth should be evaluated orthodontically if in area that will affect the aesthetics and function of the patient and performed with orthodontic treatment if possible. In this way, the aesthetic and functional problem caused by the lack of impacted teeth and the possible damage caused by the impacted teeth are eliminated.
If the impacted tooth is in position and condition that cannot be moved orthodontically, alternative treatments may be considered. These treatments may be that the tooth is surgically removed and left in place provided that it is followed at regular intervals.
Can impacted teeth be used by moved?
Teeth that have been impacted must first be evaluated from orthodontically. Many impacted teeth, especially incisors that affect the aesthetic and function of the patient, can be moved in a healthy way with orthodontic treatment.
Is it necessary to treat every impacted tooth?
No.Treatment options for impacted teeth are evaluated after analyzing the problem created/will creating by the relevant tooth. If there is no chance of recover the tooth with orthodontic treatment,if the impacted/half-buried tooth or the tooth in front of it is decayed and there is a problem in treating it,when gingival infection (pericoronitis) develops due to the inability to clean the food that goes under the gingiva especially in half-buried teeth,if there is narrowness in the space of the teeth or pressure pain caused by trying to eruption,if is not possible or necessary to recover the tooth in cases of lack of space during orthodontic treatment, if the impacted teeth are in the area of the prosthesis in the patients who will have dental prosthesis,if there are cysts formed around the impacted tooth,the impacted tooth are removed without wasting any time.
How to do impacted tooth extraction?
The impacted tooth can be removal under local anesthesia depending on the location of the tooth, its effects on other teeth, its levels in the bone, whether or not there is a developmental disorder of the tooth, the damage it caused/can cause in the surrounding tissue.The tooth can also be taken in case of sleep,called sedation, where the depth and duration of the tooth can be adjusted with the drugs given by the anesthesiologist.The best time to remove impacted teeth is when there are no signs of acute infection,preferably a young age where the healing capacity is better.If there are signs of active inflammation such as severe pain, swelling, the condition should be suppressed with analgesic,anti-inflammatory drugs before tooth extraction.
Are there any pain, swelling, bruising after impacted teeth extraction?
Even if such conditions are considered to be a normal healing process,the doctor who performed the operation should be consulted in all cases and a check appointment should be requested if necessary.Problems that may be formed in general occur when complications that can be easily solved when the doctor is consulted are skipped by trying to ‘it is a normal’.In order to keep the swelling to a minimum level,cold compress should be applied in the shape and time recommended by your doctor, and the drugs given for the pain should be taken in a proper doses and hours.
What should be considered after impacted teeth are removed?
After removing impacted teeth, the care to be applied by the patient is as important as the operation. In order to protect the wound place, the first 24 hours should eat with the other side. The tampon placed in the mouth should be removed after 30 minutes and nothing should be replaced unless otherwise spoken. After the procedure, he should not eat or drink for 2 hours, and then eat warm and soft things.Should not be smoking for at least 12-24 hours. It is natural to have bleeding in the form of leakage into 48 hours, feeling the smell of blood in your mouth or the taste of blood,consult your doctor in any suspicious situation. It is normal to have swelling after the surgical procedure.In the first 24 hours, cold compresses should be applied to the operation area from outside with an ice bag.The drugs recommended by your doctor should be used in a timely manner, regularly and as described.The sutures must be taken out on the 7th day of operation.Should not use any blood thinners, including aspirin.Consult your doctor in case of unexpected bleeding, swelling and pain after the impacted tooth extraction.